Thursday 8 December 2011

Background Information on the Song 'Somewhere Only We Know'

Somewhere Only We Know is a song performed and composed by English alternative rock band Keane, officially released as their third commercial single, and appearing as the opening track of their debut album, Hopes and Fears as the first single. It is considered also Keane's first major commercial release, becoming one of the greatest hits of 2004 worldwide and peaking on the UK charts at number three during its first week of sale. Also, it was Keane's best selling single up until  in 2006. The lyrics talk about waiting for someone under a walnut tree but Rice-Oxley hasn't given a real meaning to this.

The video starts with an image of a backstage door shortly before Keane gets through it with Tom holding a snare. They get on a British taxi cab. A little spirit is sat inside the taxi. Then they arrive in a wooded area. The "simple thing" alien remains in the cab. They began walking through the forest, "an empty land", across a "fallen tree" and finally arrive to a stream. They are now playing the song in the stream. Near the end of the song, the little spirits, Roxleys, appear again and get closer to Keane. Finally lights representing their hearts shine.

Analysis of Similar Products 'Stop crying Your Heart out'- Oasis

Stop Crying Your Heart Out is a song by the English rock band Oasis. It was released as the second single from their fifth studio album, Heathen Chemistry, on 17 June 2002. The song was written by the band's main songwriter, Noel Gallagher.The song is a slow ballad with a tempo of 76 beats per minute and features two verses, with the chorus being played three times. During the first three lines of the verses, Liam sings the verse and Noel echos it, question-and-answer style. The solo is slow, with a violin accompanying a guitar and grand piano. 

The song's music video is shot in London, which alternates between the story of a woman and shots of Oasis performing the song. at the beginning of the video the woman is feeling down as; she is seen walking down an empty street with all the electric billboards turned off; no one is around. After the first chorus and the beginning of the second verse, the billboards illuminate with images of clouds and the woman is shown to be happy. During the solo, the woman is seen walking away from a petrol station with a dripping full can of petrol. All the billboards darken once again, and she feels down. Near the end of the music video, the woman is seen sitting beside a road taking the full can of petrol and dousing herself with it. The song ends as the woman holds a burning match in her hand.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Analysis of Similar Products 'The Scientist'- Coldplay

The Scientist is a single from British alternative rock band Coldplay. The song was written collaboratively by all the band members for the album. It is built around a piano ballad, with its lyrics telling the story about a man's desire to love and an apology. The song is about a scientist who is so caught up in his work that he neglects his girlfriend, but realizes it eventually and wants to "go back to the start" and begin fresh. The Scientist music video was notable for its distinctive reverse narrative, which employed reverse video. In order for Martin to appear to be singing the lyrics in the reversed footage, he had to learn to sing the song backwards.

The video opens, looking down on Martin who is singing, as he lies on his back on a mattress. As the camera shot pulls back, the mattress is revealed to be outside. A cyclist cycles past in reverse and Martin leaps up from the mattress. He walks in reverse through a city, out into the suburbs and eventually crossing a railway line and into woods, picking up his suit jacket as he goes. Upon arriving at his car, a black BMW, he gets in and briefly passes out. His girlfriend, at first shown lying dead on the ground in front of the car, is shown flying back in through the shattered windscreen of the car. The car rolls back up a hill in the woods and through a broken fence, which mends itself as the car passes back through it. As the video closes, the couple are shown driving back up the road.It is revealed that Martin's girlfriend had removed her seat belt, in order to put her jacket on, just before the car accident, causing her death.

As the entire video is shot in reverse this creates the narrative fuzz, along with an enigma code throughout. The audience cam be left anticipating what the out come of the video will be. This video will stand up to repeat viewing due to the enigma running throughout.This is a postmodern technique, and is not a usual technique to use for a music video. Also as the ending is not expected either which further reinforces the enigmaI would say Coldplay are of the Alternative music genre. Features that would make this clear to the audience throughout the video are the artists clothes. He doesn't wear anything glamorous or classy- its just plain comfy clothes, which you expect in this genre. Also the lighting is quite dull at places, which is expected, unlike the glittery brightness of the pop genre. The settings reinforce the very british feel about the video, and also fit in very well with the genre as they are not glorified. During the video, the artist walks past a shop window, which he looks at himself in, this enhances the voyeuristic feel of the video. The close ups and extreme close ups of the artists face reinforce that we should be looking at him, as he is the main feature in the video. The music is throughout the video is slow, and the over cranking used in reverse is sometimes in time with the visuals on screen. For example when the car is rolling back up the hill from where it had just crashed down from, it seems to roll in time with the music playing at that time.At the end of each chorus, the artist says the line, "I'm going back to the start". There is a relationship between this and the visuals, as the visuals are of the man in reverse, and so he is therefore going back to the start. 

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Video Killed the Radio Star Video Analysis

Video Killed the Radio Star" is a song by the British synthpop/New Wave group The Buggles, released as their debut single on 7 September 1979, on Island Records. The song topped the music chart in several countries and has been covered by many recording artists. It was the first music video shown on MTV in the U.S. at 12:01am on 1 August 1981.
MTV, formerly an initialism of Music Television, is an American network based in New York City that launched on August 1, 1981. The original purpose of the channel was to play music videos guided by on-air hosts known as VJs. the concept of the VJ was popularized, the idea of a dedicated video-based outlet for music was introduced, and both artists and fans found a central location for concert music events, news, and promotion. MTV has also been referenced countless times in popular culture by musicians, other TV channels and television program, films, and books.

The video begins with a juxtaposed image of lead singer, Trevor Horn in black and white and a young girl in colour tuning into a radio in the back ground.  Irony is used here as the lyrics ‘tuning in on you’ are in equal timing to the girl tuning into the radio. It isn’t until 45 seconds into the video that the girl finally tunes into her radio station.  Where with a TV the audience has instant viewing of what’s on instead of having to find the right wave length to find signal, which shows how T.V’s are more sophisticated than radios. The mise en scene of the radio is mostly being focused on at the beginning of the video, as by the end, the mise en scen is of numerous TV’s, which is being dedicated as the new technology.  The diegetic sound of the chorus is ‘video killed the radio star’ and on the word ‘killed’, the young girls radio blows up.  The explosion of the radio shows the beginning of a new ear, and the end of the previous one. 

In the second chorus the lyrics ‘in my mind and in my car, we can't rewind we've gone too far’ relates to the audience not being able to rewind or listen to the song again until it is next played, so if part of the lyrics were missed, they were unable to listen to them, whereas on television the song was going to be played more frequent and if certain lyrics were missed, the audience could rewind the TV and listen again.

The editing technique where the  contrast between the black and white overlapping the colour images are used to show, the audience the different quality of which Is expected on TV and how like TV was the future, colour was the future.
T.V was seen as indicative of post modern society and it was often the wealthier citizens whom had the privilege off owning a T.V.

For the middle of the music video between 1 minute 10 seconds and 1 minute 57 I find there is no real relationship between the video and the lyrics of the song. As, the scene cuts to a science lab, where the lead singer is wearing a lab coat, and there is a woman dressed as some form of space creature floating in a cylinder tube, whilst the pianist is playing in the back ground.  The only real significance I can find in this is, just like man has visited the moon, and space is now known as the way forward in there are many unanswered questions, that like space, T.V is the way forward and is being taken over.

A low angle shot is then used looking up at the young girl sitting on a pile of radios. Another explosion takes place where smoke is used to create a sense of danger and radios aren’t wanted anymore, and then the chorus ‘Video killed the radio star’ kicks in to rephrase the fact, that T.V’s are now coming into power.
A zoomed in shot is then used, to view a number of televisions, growing out of the floor and replacing the radios.

In conclusion of after analysing the video, I feel the main objective of the video is to inform the audience that radio’s are becoming out dated, and that TVs are coming into power. They have reiterated this by exploding the radios and replacing them with TVs.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Similar Products

Alternative rock  is a term of Rock Music used to describe a diverse musical movement that emerged from the independent music underground of the 1980s and became widely popular by the 1990s. Although the term was most commonly associated in its commercial heyday with a loud, distorted guitar sound, its original meaning was broader, referring to a generation of musicians unified by their collective debt to either the musical style.
Other well known Alternative rock bands are : Green Day, Coldplay, Nirvana, Oasis, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Guns N Roses
In order to analyse codes and conventions of similar products I am going to analyse Coldplay's video for 'The Scientist' 

Friday 21 October 2011

MTV's demographic

My music video is based on a relationship which has broken up, and this is shown through the mans emotion throughout the music video. As Female 50.1% Male 49.9%  they can have a wider ranging schedule of adverts and programmes and reach their target audience but this is difficult as they have to please a wider audience who will all desire different genres of videos.
9 basic media needs.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Location- The Roaches

The Roaches  is the name given to a prominent rocky ridge situated above Leek and Tittesworth Reservoir in the Peak District of England. The ridge with its spectacular rock formations rises steeply to 505 m (1,657 ft).
The Roaches

The Roaches, with Hen Cloud and Ramshaw Rocks, form a gritstone escarpment which marks the south-western edge of the Peak. Best viewed from the approach along the Leek road, they stand as a line of silent sentinels guarding the entrance to the Peak District, worn into fantastic shapes by the elements which is very popular with hikers, rock climbers and free runners. It is often very busy especially at weekends. 

The Roaches Estate which includes Hen Cloud was purchased by the Peak District National Park Authority in the 1980s to safeguard the area from adverse development. 
In clear conditions, it is possible to see much of Cheshire and views stretching as far as Snowdon in Wales and Winter Hill in Lancashire.
Hen Cloud

Hen Cloud is an impressive, solitary edge which rises steeply from the ground below. The Roaches themselves have a gentler approach and actually consist of two edges, a Lower and Upper tier, with a set of rock-steps connecting them. Built into the rocks of the Lower Tier is Rock Cottage, a tiny primitive cottage which was once the gamekeeper's residence and has now been converted into a climbing hut. Below and to the west of the main edge is a line of small subsidiary edges known as the Five Clouds.
Rock Hall

The area was once famous for its wallabies. These were released in World War II from a private zoo at Swythamley and managed to breed and survive until the late 1990s, when the last survivors seem to have disappeared.

Shot List... (Shots I Am Going To Use)

Extra Long Shot
Also known as the Establish shot, this gives the viewer some perspective as to where the subject is. This is very important if the subject is moving to new locations or times. It lets the viewer know where the video is taking place
I will use this shot when the tree first comes into the video, aswell as when the man walks to and away from the tree, nearing the end of the song.

Medium Long Shot
This is where the person is cut the person off at the knees. With this shot, you can still see expression on the persons face, while getting more information from what is going on around the person.
I will use this shot aswell as using a tilt shot including theman, looking up at the broken branches of the tree.

Close Up
The close up shot is used to reveal detail. If you are shooting just the head and shoulders of a subject this is a close up.
I will be using this shot when having a panshot of the driver driving along the country road, aswell as when the viewing the man looking at the photo in his wallet.

Extreme Closeup
The extreme close up is used to reveal very small details in the scene. It is also used to show some detail that the detective picks up on or to show some small clue such as emotion.
I'll use this shot, to show theemotion being shown on the mans face. eg. tears.

Point Of View Shot
This shot shows a view from the subject's perspective. It is usually edited in such a way that it is obvious whose POV it is
I'll use this shot from the mans perspective

Tilt Shot
A tilt is a vertical camera movement in which the camera points up or down from a stationary location. For example, if you mount a camera on your shoulder and nod it up and down, you are tilting the camera.
I'll use this shot at the same time as using a point of view shot as to show the man looking up and down at the broken braches of the tree.

Zoom Shot

Zooming means altering the focal length of the lens to give the illusion of moving closer to or further away from the action.
I will use this shot when the man walks away from the tree nearing the end of the video.

Pan Shot
A pan is a horizontal camera movement in which the camera moves left and right about a central axis
I will use this shot when turning to face the driver in the car.

Low Angle Shot
This shows the subject from below, giving them the impression of being more powerful or dominant

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Different Camera Shots/Angles available

Shot Types
Wide Shot- In the wide shot, the subject takes up the full frame

Mid Shot- The mid shot shows some part of the subject in more detail, whilst still showing enough for the audience to feel as if they were looking at the whole subject

Medium Close Up- The medium closeup is half way between a mid shot and a close up. This shot shows the face more clearly, without getting uncomfortably close

Close Up- In the closeup shot, a certain feature or part of the subject takes up most of the frame. A close up of a person usually means a close up of their face (unless specified otherwise).

Extreme Close Up- The Extreme Close Up gets right in and shows extreme detail. You would normally need a specific reason to get this close. It is too close to show general reactions or emotion except in very dramatic scenes.

Cut-In- Like a cutaway, but specifically refers to showing some part of the subject in detail. Can be used purely as an edit point, or to emphasise emotion etc. For example, hand movements can show enthusiasm, nervousness

Cut-Away- A cutaway is a shot that's usually of something other than the current action. It could be a different subject, a close up of a different part of the subject or something else in general.

Two Shot- This is to have a comfortable shot of two people. Often used in interviews, or when two presenters are hosting a show. Two-shots are good for establishing a relationship between subjects.

Over The Shoulder Shot- His shot is framed from behind a person who is looking at the subject. The person facing the subject should usually occupy about 1/3 of the frame. This shot helps to establish the position of each person, and get the feel of looking at one person from the other's point of view.

Point of View Shot-is shot shows a view from the subject's perspective. It is usually edited in such a way that it is obvious whose point of view it is.

Camera Angles
Eye level - This is the most common view, being the real-world angle that we are all used to. It shows subjects as we would expect to see them in real life. It is a fairly neutral shot.

High Angle- A high angle shows the subject from above, i.e. the camera is angled down towards the subject. This has the effect of diminishing the subject, making them appear less powerful, less significant or even submissive.

Low Angle- This shows the subject from below, giving them the impression of being more powerful or dominant.

Birds Eye View- The scene is shown from directly above. This is a completely different and somewhat unnatural point of view which can be used for dramatic effect or for showing a different spatial perspective

Slanted Shot- purposely tilted to one side so the horizon is on an angle. This creates an interesting and dramatic effect. 

Camera Movements
Dolly Shot- A dolly is a cart which travels along tracks. The camera is mounted on the dolly and records the shot as it moves. Dolly shots have a number of applications and can provide very dramatic footage.

Pan Shot- A pan is a horizontal camera movement in which the camera moves left and right about a central axis. This is a swiveling movement, i.e. mounted in a fixed location on a tripod or shoulder, rather than a dolly-like movement in which the entire mounting system moves.

Tilt Shot- A tilt is a vertical camera movement in which the camera points up or down from a stationary location. For example, if you mount a camera on your shoulder and nod it up and down, you are tilting the camera.

Tracking Shot-The term tracking shot is widely considered to be synonymous with dolly shot; that is, a shot in which the camera is mounted on a cart which travels along tracks.

Follow Shot- The camera follows the subject or action. The following distance is usually kept more or less constant.

Zoom Shot- A zoom is technically not a camera move as it does not require the camera itself to move at all. Zooming means altering the focal length of the lens to give the illusion of moving closer to or further away from the action.

Friday 14 October 2011

Different Shots i am hoping to include

Wide Shot of a tree alone

Tilt shot walking through the forest (starting from the sky-ground)

Pedestal shot (zoomed in) of a leaf falling from a tree

Tilt shot,of man looking downat leaves on the floor 

Long shot of the man looking down stream

Point of view shot, from the drivers perspective driving across a country lane

Example of a fallendown tree which I wish to use.
A slanted shot can be used here to show the length of the tree better, aswell as a tilt shot of the man looking up at the fallen brances.

Wide Shot of Rock Hall

Background Information on the Artist

Keane are an English alternative rock band from Battle, East Sussex, formed in 1997. The group currently comprises Tim Rice-Oxley (piano, backing vocals), Tom Chaplin (lead vocals, guitar), Richard Hughes (drums, percussion) and Jesse Quin (bass guitar, percussion)

Since the start of their career, the band has sold over 10 million albums worldwide.
The band has been known as "the band with no guitars", because of its heavily piano-based sound. By using delay and distortion effects on their piano sound, they often create sounds that aren't immediately recognizable as piano.

During their early years most songs were about love or broken relationships. Other themes that have been explored; are he impacts of being a celebrity, criticism of religious 
violence and war.

Origin: Battle, East Sussex, England
Years Active: 1997- Present
Genres: Piano rock, Alternative rock, Post-Britpop, New Wave

Friday 7 October 2011

Initial ideas

Start the song of with a 15-20 second shot of the sun rising
End the song with a 15-20 second shot of the sun setting- hopefully fitting in with the song ending.
Location- The Roaches

Verse 1
1st  and 2nd lines- Wide shot off a man walking across an path- in the country, (alone) near  a river
3rd line- Point of view shot looking down at his feet whilst walking
4th line- long shot- zooming in, of the man sitting by a river (looking down stream)

Chorus 1

1st line- medium shot, in the car looking through the main window
2nd line- close up of the driver from the back of the car
3rd line- pan shot, looking at the driver (from passenger seat)
4th line- point of view shot, looking out of the car

Verse 2
1st line- medium shot of the man approaching a fallen tree
2nd line- tilt shot of the man looking up and down at the branches
3rd line- tilt shot (eye level) starting at the top looking at the sky, scrolling down so looks like he's looking straight ahead
4th line- forward camera movement (hold the camera wand walk with it) through the woods

Chorus 2 + Verse 3
.) zoomed in shot of man still looking down river (slowly turning head and pulling out wallet)
.)point of view shot of the man pulling out an old photo from his wallet
.)pulls out old photo of him and another woman (still point of view shot) and tear drop , drops on photo

Chorus 3
1st line-Man steps out the car and walks towards camera
2nd line- shot reverse shot used to view the man walking away past the camera
3rd line- low angle shot of the man looking down at the grave
4th line- point of view shot looking down at the grave

Verse 4
1st and 2nd line- Wide shot of the man walking back towards the tree which he previously visited
3rd line- Man sits down by the tree (thinking about the past)
4th line- Man looks up at the tree (behind the man)

Chorus 4
1st line - Man looking up at the tree (shot in front of the man)
2nd line- tilt shot, zooming in at leaves falling from the tree
3rd line- tilt shot, watching the leave fall to the floor, man gradually stands up
4th line- zoomed in shot of the man slowly walking away from the tree, as man is walking away, zoom out 

finish of, at home- man in bed, turns of the line- finishes the song

Thursday 6 October 2011

Lyrics of the song i am using "Somewhere only we know"

I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete

Oh simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

I came across a fallen tree
I felt the branches of it looking at me
Is this the place we used to love?
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?

Oh simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

And if you have a minute, why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go somewhere only we know?
Somewhere only we know

Oh simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

And if you have a minute, why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go? So why don't we go?

Oh, this could be the end of everything
So why don't we go somewhere only we know?
Somewhere only we know
Somewhere only we know

Monday 19 September 2011

MTV's demographic

Female 50.1% Male 49.9%- This is an advantage for MTV because it means they can have a wider ranging schedule of adverts and programmes and reach their target audience but this is difficult as they have to please a wider audience who will all desire different genres of videos.

74% of our audience are ABC1s- This means the majority of the audience are of the ABC1 demographic, and are able to spend a greater amount of disposable income.

·         15-25 are 50x more likely to visit
·         25-34 are 19x more likely to visit

·         Unique visitors : 1.4 million
·         Page Impressions: 7.4 million
·         Visits: 1.4 million
·         Video Views: 2.6 million
·         Dwell time: 10.5 minutes
Movies, technology and fashion are among the best matched ad categories advertised on MTV.

·         The majority of the online audience also watch the MTV channel 94%. If they are regular viewers of the channel and watching online video content, they Are +20% more likely to purchase products seen on MTV websites.