Friday 7 October 2011

Initial ideas

Start the song of with a 15-20 second shot of the sun rising
End the song with a 15-20 second shot of the sun setting- hopefully fitting in with the song ending.
Location- The Roaches

Verse 1
1st  and 2nd lines- Wide shot off a man walking across an path- in the country, (alone) near  a river
3rd line- Point of view shot looking down at his feet whilst walking
4th line- long shot- zooming in, of the man sitting by a river (looking down stream)

Chorus 1

1st line- medium shot, in the car looking through the main window
2nd line- close up of the driver from the back of the car
3rd line- pan shot, looking at the driver (from passenger seat)
4th line- point of view shot, looking out of the car

Verse 2
1st line- medium shot of the man approaching a fallen tree
2nd line- tilt shot of the man looking up and down at the branches
3rd line- tilt shot (eye level) starting at the top looking at the sky, scrolling down so looks like he's looking straight ahead
4th line- forward camera movement (hold the camera wand walk with it) through the woods

Chorus 2 + Verse 3
.) zoomed in shot of man still looking down river (slowly turning head and pulling out wallet)
.)point of view shot of the man pulling out an old photo from his wallet
.)pulls out old photo of him and another woman (still point of view shot) and tear drop , drops on photo

Chorus 3
1st line-Man steps out the car and walks towards camera
2nd line- shot reverse shot used to view the man walking away past the camera
3rd line- low angle shot of the man looking down at the grave
4th line- point of view shot looking down at the grave

Verse 4
1st and 2nd line- Wide shot of the man walking back towards the tree which he previously visited
3rd line- Man sits down by the tree (thinking about the past)
4th line- Man looks up at the tree (behind the man)

Chorus 4
1st line - Man looking up at the tree (shot in front of the man)
2nd line- tilt shot, zooming in at leaves falling from the tree
3rd line- tilt shot, watching the leave fall to the floor, man gradually stands up
4th line- zoomed in shot of the man slowly walking away from the tree, as man is walking away, zoom out 

finish of, at home- man in bed, turns of the line- finishes the song

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