Friday 23 March 2012

A2 Media Product Evaluation
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Wednesday 14 March 2012


The main theme of I decided to be when making the digi-pack was to keep a black and white theme running throughout. 
I have decided to go against conventions by not putting the name of the artist on the front of the album cover. My main point by doing this was so the audience focus's primarily on the current text on the page 'Hopes And Fears' so they are relating more specifically on the album itself rather than who the band are. Also I feel by going against the usual conventions of having the band name on the front of the digi-pack, if a band has a bad stereotype back ground, or some audiences do not like the type of genre the music is, by seeing who the band are, would have a big say in the number of albums which are sold. I am therefore under the impression that as the album would be aimed at its usual fan base, as well as different target audiences whom may be curious due to the limited information given on the front cover as well as the unknown of having no certainty of the genre of music the album covers. 

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Somewhere Only We Know Music Video

Somewhere only we know music video

The music track being used in the video was the original version, but for my final version of my music video i swapped the track for one which ran smoothly and didn't jump.

Magazine Advert for the album 'Hopes and Fears'

For the magazine advert i created i decided to keep it simple but bold by using black and white colours. Where as bright colours make an article stand out to its audience, the use of black and white will easily be portrayed in this was as it is different to usual texts. By keeping it simple it grabs the audiences attention and they are more likely to acknowledge the information being shown to as if a lot of writing appeared on the advert. 
The large picture is taken from a shot from the music video, with in the bottom right corner having the original album cover.  The key information on the advert is that of the singles which the album includes. 

Monday 5 March 2012

CD digipack analyse of Coldplay's Viva La Vida

A digipack I have analysed is Coldplay’s Viva La Vida. This is because the album is similar to the genre of music of which I have studied in Keane. So by analysing this as well as the artist I am writing about, I will have greater knowledge of the type of digipack this music genre has.

 The foreground of the front of CD Digipack is the title of the album ‘VIVA LA VIDA’, this is the only text featured on the front of the CD, which is in bold white writing. In comparison to this the background is black which contrasts to the text making the cover stand out to its audience.
The foreground of the back of the CD digipack features the track list of the album. Here the colour of the font in the foreground matches that of the font CD cover as well as the background being of the same as the front of the CD. This sets the tone of the CD and so the audience can easily see the pattern running through the CD.  Also information about the production company, record label as well as the barcode all feature on the back of the album.

Inside the CD digipack, both panels contain a CD, with both CD’s having the same design on, so there can still be the recognition from the audience of the continuous pattern running through the digipack.  The digipack includes two removal sleeves containing pictures and information about the band and album. Both of the panels contain the theme of a dark background with dark colours (black and brown) with bold white text. These colours contrast grabbing the audience’s attention straight away as well as being a contrast to the front and back of the CD digipack.

Friday 27 January 2012

Audience feedback from digipack and poster blog

Poster: Quite basic, use a  different type of font, and relate it to the colour used in the picture. Got potential.
To improve my poster for the final edition, i will take this analyse the feedback and see the areas of the poster in which can be modified, and try to adapt it to meet what has been said. By doing this, I will adapt the picture I have used, change the font size and type, and relate the poster more to the genre I am doing.
Digpack: Good pattern throughout the case. Hand drawn. Not many pictures throughout. Think about text going on top of the patterns.
For my final digipack I am going to create a 3 fold digipack, instead of a 2 fold, which I will be able to fit more information and pictures in relating to the album. I will keep the original design of the front cover (hand drawn) with the back cover being the same pattern.  The 3rd fold that folds outwards onto the back of the digipack will have a different pattern on, however this will have the song list on. Inside the digipack, there will be multiple pictures ion the middle section, a large picture in the other, and the c.d. in the 1st section.

Friday 20 January 2012

Keane Album Covers

Keane Album Cover 'Hopes and Fears'

Keane Album Cover 'Under the Iron Sea'

Keane Album Cover 'Perfect Symmetry'

Thursday 19 January 2012

Front cover of digi pack (initial idea)

i will use the patterned background. going from small diamonds at the top of the page, to small diamonds at the bottom, with the name of the album over the top 'Hopes and Fears'.

Thursday 5 January 2012

Rihanna Promotional Poster

Loud Tour was the fourth concert tour by Barbadian recording artist Rihanna. Performing in over twenty countries in the Americas and Europe, the tour supports Rihanna’s fifth studio album, Loud.

When annalysing the poster,it was evident that the effect of it was very simple yeteffective at the sametime. This is because people know who Rihanna is by just looking at her face, and so the poster doesnt have to be 'in your face' to grab the readers attention.  Rihanna's hair is dyed a very bold red. It's a strong color that conjures up a range of seemingly conflicting emotions from passionate love to violence and warfare. which can be related to numerous songs performed by her like 'Man Down', a song about shooting a man in Central Station and so violence and warfare fit into this. The poster in general is very significant for the stage in which Rihanna's career is at, as there is no back ground pictures or information, just a pure close up of her face on a black background. This fits into her career as she is at the stage where people recognize her just by her face so she doesn't have to try and stand out from the crowd, so the simplicity of the poster draws its audience in just by the face of the artist. The typography of the poster has been kept at a very minimal level . The only writing on the advert consists of the artists name, the name of the album and a slogan trying to make the audience feel closer to the artist. All the typography within in the poster has been typed in capital letters so it stands out and is more visible to read. The text is also very thin and so these two things allow alot of room on the poster for the picture of Rihanna. When viewing a poster it is important to gain the audiences attention straight away, and this is why pictures are the main sources on the poster instead of text.  There is a contrast of colour on the poster, from black at the bottom, to very light yellow/red at the top. The two different colours are a relationship between the subject  and its surrounding field to give evidence of the levels of contrast; the more an object contrasts with its surrounds, the more visible it become. An so with the the light colours in contrast with the black, this draws the audiences attention straight to Rihanna's face at the top of the poster. The colour black is used to convey elegance and sophistication and sexy.  As well as this, the colour of Rihanna's hair (red) is seen as a sexualized colour so this tells us a lot about her personal appearance.  Referring back to the typography, the slogan 'Coming to a city near you' in large capital letters is there to be stood out and to be highly visible to the audience. The use of the word 'you' also means that whoever is reading the poster, can be related to Rihanna as it is a direct statement to whoever is reading it. Within the poster, there are numerous links all to do with promoting Rihanna's career. The poster advertises her tour with website which ticketscanbe brought from aswell as advertising her album 'Loud'. Loud received generally positive reviews from contemporary music critics. Jon Pareles of The New York Times perceived a "hermetic, cool calculation" on the album, writing that it "works the pop gizmos as neatly as any album this year, maintaining the Rihanna brand. BBC Online's James Skinner called Loud "brilliantly sassy and exuberant at times" and praised Rihanna's vocals for "elevating it from a hit-and-miss collection into something oddly arresting" and  Los Angeles Times writer August Brown called it "strobe-thumping. However Andy Kellman of Allmusic found its material to be "slapdash" and "uneven", calling Loud "more an unfocused assortment of poor-to-solid songs than a unified set".

Katy Perry Promotional Poster

Teenage Dream is the third studio album by American recording artist Katy Perry. It was released on August 24, 2010, through Capitol Records. On december 1st 2010 it was announced that 'Teenage Dream' was nominated for album of the year.

This is the official album cover for a 'Teenage Dream' which shows Katy Perry lying naked on clouds of cotton candy. As she is lying naked on a sheet of candy clouds it gives of a very sexual impression. Within the music video there are featured images of Katy Perry in a car with a boyfriend, then, Perry is shown in a Party with her friends, and the closing scene shows Perry kissing her boyfriend under the water which can all be seen as sexualized. In comparison to this, the cotton candy clouds are seen as very child like as children would fantasize about going to a land full of sweets and candy. The text in which the title is written is can be seen again as both sexualized and child like. This is because the colour font is shown as candy canes, relating it to sweets and children, however the name and positioning on the poster can be seen as very provocative as it positioned under Katy Perry whose lying naked so it gives of the idea that teenagers dream of Katy Perry/ Celebrities in general naked. In the text the words 'cotton candy' are used which is an alliteration. The impact of this makes the language more lyrical and gives the mind a hook on which to hang a memory. As she is lying naked in the poster, woman would aspire to have a body like this and use her as a role model, where as men would take a fancy to her in a different light and see her as 'sexy'. When 1st viewing the poster there are 3 main colours being used. These are red, blue and white. Both red and blue are primary colours, with red being the warmest and the most trendy color that shows passion, strength, courage and blue portraying loyalty, confidence, and devotion of a corporation. Passion, strength, corage, and confidence are all needed within the music industry for a pop start to make it, and so for these colours to be used, it could be showing the characteristics of Katy Perry. White is the colour of purity and innocence which conflicts with the poster as Katy Perry is lying naked which goes against the meaning of innocence and purity. At the bottom of the poster, these 3 colours are used again but for text. In red capitals it says 'New Album' which would draw the attention of the viewers, especially her fans which would therefore want to keep up with all the latest news and songs. In blue capitals is says 'Includes the hit singles' which would intise the reader and then in white capitals it has a list of 4 songs which are sang by Katy Perry which then the readers can relate to as these would of been heard before, so the readers will feel a connection with the poster and Katy Perry.
A critical reception by James Montgomery of MTV on the song 'Teenage Dream' was that it showed a definite change of pace for Perry. While it's still as saccharine sweet as her previous hits, there's also a rather, well, mature quality to it. Rob Sheffield from Rolling Stones described the album as an all-American teen-pop sound that's older than the Hollywood Hills.Matthew Cole of Slant Magazine called it "over-produced bad-girl debauchery," claiming that Perry has "found a way to lower the bar. However, Los Angeles Times gave it three stars, saying, "On “Teenage Dream,” the songs alternate between weekend-bender celebrations of hedonism and self-help-style affirmations encouraging listeners to get an emotional makeover. Either way, acquisition is the goal: of a great love, a happy hangover.Despite the mixed reviews, the album managed to win International Album of the Year at the Juno Awards of 2011.

Coldplay Promotional Poster

Viva la Vida is a song by the British alternative rock band Coldplay. It was written by all members of the band for their fourth album, Viva la Vida.  

When first viewing the album cover, the main things that stood out for me were the black border,with the dull coloured writing in the middle, with clear white visable writing over the top. When black and white are put together, there is a greater meaning within the item which is being shown. So with this case, the audiences eyes draw staright to the wording on the poster, so any information that is being given is gained straight away by the viewer. Also,with the black border, this condences thesizeof the poster,enambling the audiences eyes to also to fall to the middle of the poster and not get drawn away. So this will also help keep the audiences attention for longer. Some people do not see black and white as a colour. It is the absence of all color. When people speak of opposites, it is usually in terms of black and white. Black, and its opposite white, represent polarities. Black absorbs all aspects of light. While white reveals, black conceals. In a positive state, black is seen as a restful emptiness into which anything may emerge and disappear once again. It is also mysterious, providing a sense of potential and possibility. This meaning of black can fit into the poster because at the same time, the poster is also an advert, advertising Coldplay's new album, as well as having their web address at the bottom of the page. So as black is seen as mysterious, and providing a sence of possibility and potention, as this is their fouth album, it will always keep the fans wanting to find out what type of songs are on the new album and how good the album/album songs will be. White is the color of purity. White means kindness and holds the potential to move toward every other color and this makes it a good choice for new beginnings, and development in any direction. This also can fit in with the meaning of the poster as all the font is in bold white writing, is displays the meaning 'new beginning' so this could be a sigh to Coldplay's audience that they have changed their style of music, or that the choice of songs on  the new album is different from previous albums. Viva la Vida has received generally very positive reviews from critics. Will Hermes of Rolling Stone magazine wrote that "Coldplay's desire to unite fans around the world with an entertainment they can all relate to is the band's strength, and a worthy goal. Chris Willman of Entertainment Weekly magazine rated the album "A-" and called it their best album. The album won the Grammy Award for Best Rock Album at the 2009 Grammy Awards.