Friday, 27 January 2012

Audience feedback from digipack and poster blog

Poster: Quite basic, use a  different type of font, and relate it to the colour used in the picture. Got potential.
To improve my poster for the final edition, i will take this analyse the feedback and see the areas of the poster in which can be modified, and try to adapt it to meet what has been said. By doing this, I will adapt the picture I have used, change the font size and type, and relate the poster more to the genre I am doing.
Digpack: Good pattern throughout the case. Hand drawn. Not many pictures throughout. Think about text going on top of the patterns.
For my final digipack I am going to create a 3 fold digipack, instead of a 2 fold, which I will be able to fit more information and pictures in relating to the album. I will keep the original design of the front cover (hand drawn) with the back cover being the same pattern.  The 3rd fold that folds outwards onto the back of the digipack will have a different pattern on, however this will have the song list on. Inside the digipack, there will be multiple pictures ion the middle section, a large picture in the other, and the c.d. in the 1st section.

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